


  • Suppresses appetite greatly reduce the need and want to snack between meals. Dramatically reduces your daily calorie intake by helping you to feel fuller sooner during a meal.
  • Increases the metabolism, and fat burning ability by your body
  • Increases energy levels and improves stamina levels
  • Typically users can experience an average fat loss of around 3lbs to 5lbs per week
  • This product is ideal for both men and women who want to burn fat quickly and get into shape fast. It’s also good for athletics and body builders who find this extreme fat burner a huge help in keeping weight down and enhancing energy. Phentramine is safe to use with no side effects but only great results.also improves energy levels 
  • These have been specially formulated to mimic the energy-boosting, fat-burning and appetite-suppressing properties of the outlawed stimulant without producing any of the notoriously negative side effects. The dynamic formula has become increasingly popular among gym-goers as it rapidly improves energy levels, stimulates the brain, prevents tiredness and drowsiness, promotes protein synthesis and increases the amount of energy delivered to the muscles, all of which allows for a prolonged and more intense workout.
  • Raspberry Extract
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine
  • Caffeine (15mg)
  • Glucomannan
  • Konjac Powder
  • Taurine
  • Capsicum fruit
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Magnesium Stearate
    mg, L-Tyrosine 15 mg, L-Taurine 15 mg. Thiamine (Vitamin 81) 5,5 mg, Dicalcium| Phosphate (Binder) 90 mg, Magnesium|
    Stearate (Anti-Caking Agent) 2 mg.
  • Directions: Take 1-2 tablets before your workout for a focused boost. Increase dosage to 3 tablets for a more intense training session. If you have trouble sleeping, do not take after 3pm. Do not take more than 4 tablets in 24hours
  • 240 pack
  • comes in plain packaging

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